Paying Attention - Connecting to Yourself

This month of February, I’ve been doing lots of posting about Connections, inspired by this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week theme, ‘Let’s Connect’.

One of the aspects of Connections is paying attention to others, to what they do, what they look like, how they sound, so you can better understand their feelings. I imagine this sounds pretty familiar. Even better, this skill of Empathy is one I’ve seen being taught in schools too.

Another side of making Connections by paying attention, is when we pay attention to ourselves. This is about getting to know ourselves - what makes us happy, what frustrates us, how we like to relax. Paying attention to ourselves in this way is about understanding our feelings and emotions and builds inner strength and happiness.

If paying attention to ourselves is so important, is this something you do?

Do you find it easy to do?

Do you know how to do it?

Is it something you’d like to learn to do?

Is it something you’d like to share with your children?

It you’d like to pay more attention to yourself and Connect with yourself more, here’s a tool for you to try.

Paying Attention – Connecting to Yourself

Start in a quiet space and make yourself comfortable sitting on a chair or sofa or on the floor.

Close your eyes or if this isn’t comfortable, look down to the floor.

Take 2-3 deep breaths in and out.

Listen to all the sounds around you. PAUSE

Listen for the sounds in the distance – birds, cars, people talking…PAUSE

Listen for the sounds close by – a washing machine running, buzz of the lighting, the whoosh of the heating… PAUSE

Listen for all the sounds loud and soft and list them in your mind… PAUSE

Bring your attention closer and start to listen to the sounds inside you…the rumble of your tummy, the beating of your heart, the sound of your breath… PAUSE

Now, that you’re listening carefully, listen to anything you may be feeling today… PAUSE

What thoughts and emotions come to mind? PAUSE

Don’t think about each thought and emotion for too long. Just list it, observe it in your mind. PAUSE

If your feeling happy, frustrated, annoyed or angry, can think about what caused these emotions? PAUSE

Again, don’t think about each reason for too long. Just list it, observe it in your mind. PAUSE

Now, start to pay attention to your body again. Take a deep breath in and out.

Feel the chair, sofa or ground beneath you and start to move your fingers and toes, giving them a stretch. PAUSE

If your eyes are closed, when you’re ready, look down to the floor and slowly open your eyes. PAUSE

Slowly lift your head up and stretch your arms up above your head and lower them down.

Wishing you well on your journey to Connect with Yourself.

Love and Respect Always




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