Benefits Children's Yoga?
Headline benefits of children's yoga:
Develops flexibility, helping to protect your body from injury, aches and pains
Is exercise for your body, inside and out, massaging and strengthening your internal organs
Promotes calm and relaxation
Improves concentration
Research has shown that children and young people today face the following challenges:
Emotional and physiological stress
Environmental pollution, toxins and allergens
In appropriate and frightening exposure of media
Inability to self-regulate, concentrate, learn and grow
Chronic stress leading to a detrimental impact on health and the ability to learn and grow
Additionally, Co-Vid has had the following impact on children:
A quarter of children (5-16 years) reported disrupted sleep
5% of children often or always felt lonely
There has been a marked reduction in physical activity
One in six children has a probable mental health disorder, up from one in nine three years ago
Blending of sources old and new for solutions to current challenges
Although the research is concerning, we live in an eminently resourceful world, where techniques old and new are being blended together to offer solutions to these current day challenges.
Research also supports the science behind this 5,000-year-old practice which has numerous benefits for adults and children, including:
Increased physical fitness
Enhanced strength, flexibility and balance
Neuromuscular and motor development
Development of the vestibular system for balance and co-ordination
Strengthened digestive system
Improved blood flow and strengthened immune system
Improved breathing awareness and asthma management
Better quality sleep
Improved brain function - enhanced cognitive mental function
Improved academic performance
Improved memory
Enhanced attention span
Enhanced imagination and creativity
Increased energy levels
Improved symptoms of ADHD, including self control, hyperactivity, impulsivity, attention span, anxiety
Improved overall mental wellbeing
Relief from stress and anxiety
Improved inner strength and self-esteem
Improved self-awareness and connection between body, mind and emotions
Improved relationships with others
Positive changes in empathy, tolerance and understanding
Development of more compassionate thoughts, speech and action
Non-competitive, providing an alternative and inclusive physical activity for those who don't like competitive sports
Minimal space and equipment required
Improved healthy lifestyle choices, including an increased consumption of fruit and vegetables
An introduction to mindfulness, encouraging a focus on the present to develop confidence and resilience